WorkKeys - Graphic Literacy


The WorkKeys Locating Information test measures the skill people use when they work with workplace graphics. Examinees are asked to find information in a graphic or insert information into a graphic. They also must compare, summarize, and analyze information found in related graphics.

This assessment contains 38 questions and will be a computer based and timed assessment. You will have 55 minutes to complete the Locating Information assessment; however you should plan on spending an additional 10 to 15 minutes to complete the demographical and tutorial information in association with the Locating Information assessment.

For the characteristics and skills measured by the locating information exam, visit
Course Section Add to Shopping Cart
Course: CEWK 117-00
Term: 1473
Section Number: 1
Schedule Number: 22387
Instructor(s): Staff
Location: Leslie E. Tassell M-TEC Rm 104, 622 Godfrey SW, GR MI 49503
Dates: Assessments take place Every Wednesday at 8:30am, by appointment. Upon confirming payment, a scheduling link will be accessible.
Units: Non-Credit
Contact Hours: 0.0 Contact Hours
Seats Remaining: 96
Required Fees: Price